A Basic Guide to a Well-Balanced Diet
I'm no dietitian or nutritionist but I do know to keep your family healthy and alert, your meals must provide a daily selection of all the food nutrients essential to well-being. To ensure a well-balanced diet, simply follow the recommendations of the "basic four" food groups.
2 to 3 Cups for children under 9 years 3 or more cups for children 9 - 12 years 4 or more cups for teenagers 2 or more cups for adults |
2 or more servings every day
4 or more servings every day One citrus fruit daily and one dark green or yellow vegetable every other day
(Whole grain, enriched or restored) 4 or more servings every day
*Note: Butter or margarine provide additional calories for energy
You are what you eat: A Guide to Good Nutrition
American Heart Association Dietary Recommendations
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Prevention.com - Cooking and Nutrition
Consumer Information Center - The Food Guide Pyramid
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